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July 18, 2009

You’re probably wondering why I’m so excited.. & it’s because I PASSED MY SECOND INTERVIEW & NOW HAVE MY FIRST JOB EVER!!! XD WOOHOO!! Mianhe it’s not all that exciting for you readers but I’ve never in my entire life had a real job where I get paid & everything. I’m going to work at Best Buy it shouldn’t be that bad right? I know everyone says your first job isn’t what you think it will be but I’m not expecting anything all I’m going to do is be compliant because guess what having a job means.. IT MEANS I GET TO GO TO UNIVERSITY NEXT YEAR!! I’m very excited & I guess it’s cause I’m so ambitious & I know I want to follow through with it so really I just want to do it cause I’m pumped for it. I don’t even care what my hours are I just want to get enough money to go to school & finally get on with my life. Ahh have I told you I got called a bitch by a guy who’s girlfriend is cheating on him? Lol oh well it’s not my fault she’s a slut * I know this because we used to be bestfriends until she back stabbed me so I’m officially allowed to say this * I just tried to help the guy & he was praising her. She got fricken rolls & shit it’s disgusting I can’t believe guys would actually like like her well I only know of one & that’s her current boyfriend it makes me want to puke. She told me she got diseases from her ex-boyfriend * who claims they NEVER went out LMAO * & her boyfriend thought she was a virgin when they went out that was a bunch of crap. I mean this guy is so pathetic he even tried to beat up one of my bestfriends, WHO IS A GIRL!!, I mean how idiotic do you have to be to keep going out with someone when you’ve clearly caught them in bed together. & he said I’m the “bitch” I was like “Pfft I’m not the idiot who’s letting his girlfriend cheat on him duhh!” Haha well this is the last time I’m ever doing something nice for someone so dumb. I mean I am a well known “bitch” figure around here but the truth is THEY CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH & THAT’S WHY I’M LABELLED THE “BITCH”!! If people weren’t such idiots & kept their mouth shut then maybe I wouldn’t be telling you what I know if you didn’t ask I mean it’s in all honesty common sense & if you don’t have that then of course I’m the bitch. Whatever though I don’t care if I’m the bitch that just means I’m real with you whether or not you like it I mean of course I’m a little more gentle with my best friends but honestly if you need to hear the truth then it’s not my fault. I’m just saying if you want to call me stupid because I’m being stupid then go ahead but you in all honesty can’t call me a bitch cause I’m telling you the truth. So I said to him “Thanks I am a bitch and I’m proud of it.” Oh well I also told him if he and his girlfriend dropped dead my world would still be spinning so I don’t give a flying fuck haha :). Hmm.. generally I don’t show this side but today I feel like letting the devil inside of me out 정말 정말 미안해 (I’m really really sorry) to everyone who has yet to see me like this. I’m also sorry that you’ve gotten to see my dark side I am in all honesty really nice but you know everyone can’t be all sunshine and lollipops every hour of every day so here’s my down on the rollercoaster of life lol. It really didn’t bring me down at all when he said it I was just annoyed that he was attacking my character when all I was doing was telling him the truth. I even put it in a very nice way like the nicest way possible just so the dumb person wouldn’t take it that bad but that just goes to show that people WANT you to lie to them. Hehe well now for my song of the post hmm.. I was going to give you a recording of me singing but then I kept thinking about it & it wasn’t all that great. So instead here’s the song I was going to sing except sang in a good way lol! XD

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