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Graduation & Summer so far :)

July 13, 2009

I’VE FINALLY GRADUATED!! It was great & I was so excited the whole time ^^ & the dinner was amazing too! Well most of it anyways.. I kind of made the mistake of starting drama with “that guy” and now we’re no longer friends but oh well I knew we couldn’t always be friends. Ahh this summer vacation has been so relaxing no getting up for rugby and especially no drama.. well up until a few days ago. Haha but nothing goes perfect but the important thing is I’m happy 🙂 right? It was so much fun though hehe & I even met people I never knew were in my grade at all haha well I guess it’s too late to get to know them even more considering we’re not going to be in the same school anymore but oh well! XD Hehe can you feel the excitement! Except after grad night I found out I owe the University of Winnipeg $4, 500 for all my classes & what not =.= so now it’s not as happy but I got an interview for a job so I can apply for a student loan afterwards so it’s not a total down. It’s still a pretty huge amount though so I’m pretty sad about it at the moment I hope I can get the job so I can finally apply for my student loan! Other than that I’ve been pretty happy!! Me and my friends Wes, Chels and Bri have been going out and having lots of fun so my summer isn’t totally boring either ^^. I’ve gone to watch Transformers 2 twice and we’re going to watch The Ugly Truth when it comes out and we had a sleep over a couple of days ago! 🙂 Well we had a sleep over for Chels’ birthday to celebrate but we didn’t end up sleeping till around 7 in the morning it was so funny that night was so much fun. Buut.. I kind of made my boyfriend take me back and he did say he missed me but I kind of made a boo boo and started flirting while drinking and that caused a whole new drama to start. Haha good thing me and this other guy don’t live in the same province or that would’ve been waay complicated then what would have I said to my boyfriend ^_^”. I don’t like this drama cause I think this guy is getting attached to me and I didn’t mean to I mean I was drunk at a sleep over what else would I do!? Well we were doing other things but when they all started talking to their boytoys I was like whatever I might as well talk to some guys too and since my boyfriend changed his number and I haven’t figured out how to properly text him without screwing it up. & I wasn’t going to call him during work so I decided against it finally after about half an hour. We played Dirty Minds and it was so bad I only one once and Wes one once and so did Chels poor Bri didn’t win at all lol. It was so much fun though although my father did end up waking me up 4 hours later to tell me to come home and when I told him that he should come get me then he said he had work in an hour and I was like WTF if you say you want me to go home go get me yourself you idiot. But whatever I called my mom and she came to get me instead and by the time I got home he wasn’t even there so that made me even more mad cause I didn’t even have to be there! But yeah anyways on a happier subject I GOT MY SECOND INTERVIEW FOR MY POTENTAL JOB!!! WOOHOO!!! I’m so excited it’s like I’m a kid in an icecream shop! I have to go on Wednesday so I’m pretty nervous but I’m also very excited & my sister said she’d take me shopping for an outfit so that I don’t look all weird and everything! But yes I’m highly excited for it I keep wondering if I’ll get the job or not and if I don’t then I’ll be really sad but oh well I’ll figure it out eventually I always do :). I just really hope that God helps me get this job so I can go to University and finally get the peace I need :). Anyways this is a short post I know but I can’t stop being excited! OMG I was also watching “Here Comes the Newlyweds” and the Corliss’ WON! That was so awesome I was voting for them the whole time and I couldn’t stop spazzing for like five minutes when they won that’s how excited I was :). Oh yeah about my boyfriend.. lol well we did get back together which was GREAT!! I love it that we’re back together but we’re not exclusive anymore so basically we’re in an open relationship I guess but it’s better that we have boundaries since we’re going to end up moving in together anyways right? Well hopefully we will… I mean I want to but I’m not completely sure about him because you  know he’s always making me promises and getting me to make commitments when he can’t keep up his end of the bargain. I mean I really do trust him but nothing has worked out so far for us and so far we’ve broken up TWICE!! I mean I really do want this to work out if it’s the last thing I do but you know after trusting him so many times and him keeping on breaking his promises I don’t know if we even will end up moving in together. I really do love him and considering what I’ve been through I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him. I know I haven’t shown him off to any of my friends but honestly it’s one of those things where I kind of want to keep him for myself until I know for sure that he’ll finally commit and does what he says. Well yeah so for now he’ll remain as just “C” lol I’m sad about it but until I can completely trust his fast-paced and completely whacky antics with me I’m not sure he’s allowed to meet my friends. I mean he’s important to me but my friends are waay more important to me (no offense babe!) and if he hurts me I don’t want them to hurt him haha. I guess it’s my fault for making him promise me to only tell his closest friends but even then he told like four people and they think I’m trouble.. or so I’ve been told. I mean if they heard why we were fighting on both sides then they would understand I was right 3/4ths of the time! But on a happier note I’m happy that we’re together again even if the relationship isn’t totally together but we’re trying despite everyone being against us. 🙂 I hope we stay together for now at least cause I’m still happy that we are together despite our fights and our distance :). Anyways that is all for now I will update you again soon! XD But here’s my current favourite song 🙂 hope you have fun with it!! XD

One Comment leave one →
  1. July 13, 2009 11:27 pm

    yay that you guys got back together!!
    but you know that if he does hurt you we will hurt him too right? lol.

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